The Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç met with Kosova Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu and accompanying delegation.

Underlining the deep-rooted historical relations between Türkiye and Kosova, Minister Tunç stressed judicial cooperation between their respective countries.

Stating that the guest delegation visited the Justice Academy of Türkiye before their meeting, Minister Tunç said: “The Justice Academy of Türkiye pioneers in cooperation in the field of legal education at the international level. Our Academy continues educational activities in a wide range of geography from Europe to Asia and African countries, as well as from the Turkic world to Islamic countries. As one of these activities, our Academy will organize an International Training Program on Human Rights Law between 1-6 December for our guest judges and prosecutors from Kosovo. I wish every success to the Program in advance”.

During the meeting, Minister Tunç expressed that international cooperation in the fight against terrorism is a must and emphasized extradition matters, especially FETÖ. Minister Tunç stated that: “Our expectation from the Kosovo authorities is to deport or extradite the fugitive FETÖ terrorist organization members in your country. It is of great importance for our country to prevent the FETÖ terrorist organization from operating under the guise of educational institutions, dormitories, foundations, associations and companies, to prevent the recruitment and placement of personnel in accordance with its ideology, and to close down such structures if possible.”

Emphasizing that this is her 2nd official visit to Türkiye, Minister of Justice of Kosovo Haxhiu noted that cooperation in the field of justice between two countries is important.

Senior bureaucrats from the two countries were also present at the meeting held at the Ministry of Justice.